Davidson on weakness of will
Smart's "Sensation and Brain Processes"
Reconsidering Ayer's "Freedom and Necessity"
On J.L. Mackie's "Evil and Omnipotence"
William James' "Will to Believe"
Marquis' "Why Abortion is Immoral"
Thomson's "A Defence of Abortion"
Are gene factors convenient fictions or abstract theoretical entities?
Convenient fictions or theoretical entities in Bateson and Pearson
Pearson's biometry and Mendelism
Late 19C, Early 20C in genetics: observation and speculation
On Fisher's "Nature of Inheritance"
Coronavirus, in the interest of our future selves
On Berger's "Understanding Science: Why Causes Aren't Enough"
Comments on Rosenberg's "Laws, History, and the Nature of Biological Understanding"
coronavirus, sensationalism run amok
Coronavirus, some personal thoughts on misinformation pandemic
Coronavirus, explaining some anomalous information
Coronavirus, failure of leadership
Coronavirus, Lysol will kill you
Coronavirus, cure versus the disease
Coronavirus, hysteria and overhyped